How pregnant Celebs Strive To Hide Their Pregnancies

So Avril was spotted at the Aga Khan Hospital apparently attending ante-natal clinic. So for that matter, we conclude the 31-year-old is pregnant and that should be a major surprise!
The fact that Avril part ways with her fiancé in 2016 does not mean she never moved on, or even suggest that she should not, so what is all this obsession, one may ask?
Probably it is in the fact that the beauty is not disclosing what could be the obvious truth, neither is she answering the snooping paparazzi and anxious fans.
“Like Avril are you really pregnant then we can officially post congratulatory messages as you inform us who the lucky man is?”
No wonder, they have been chasing after wonder-boy J Blessing to start the debate. How they wish!The same nagging has become Bridget Shighadi’s headache since it was reported that she is back with her actor boyfriend Nick Mutuma and that the two will soon be parents.
Bridget wants her privacy respected. And she is saying nothing until nature reveals!
It was the same case with former Miss University Joan Musumba whose pregnancy just like that of Pierra, Miss Karun and Brenda Wairimu who are now beautiful young mothers.
  So, when does it become a big deal to talk of celebrity pregnancy? Is it like thinking “Oh, she had sex with someone…(like is that a crime)…or oh, I am such a hurt-broken secret admirer… Let’s indulge.Source:Pocket News

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