As Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin flew in his newly-acquired private jet to anchor international crusades, the cloud of God’s immanence followed him from Volta Region of Ghana to Kano, North-west and Lokoja in North-central Nigeria, unprecedented crowds of worshippers thronged each of the crusades, “like never seen before in recent Christian crusades”, according to an attendee in one of the programmes.

Crusade Highlights: Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin flying in the cloud of God?s presence

The crusade theme - Who is behind this evil attack -taken from 2 Timothy 4:18: “The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom,” recorded unbelievable miracles of healing and deliverance, even as many received salvation. .

Crusade Highlights: Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin flying in the cloud of God?s presence

The presence of God was felt as the General Overseer of Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry (CMDM), Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin, does what he knows best: performing signs and wonders through the power of God.

Crusade Highlights: Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin flying in the cloud of God?s presence

Indeed, in the Ghana re-visit, the tireless general prophesied, performed healings and there was out-pouring of testimonies, confirming the Bible text that says, by a prophet a nation is delivered.

Crusade Highlights: Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin flying in the cloud of God?s presence

At the Kano mega-event, a dying baby was revived by God as the water of life was ministered on the baby. There was so many of such encounters to recount, but God showed up and amazing things happened.

Crusade Highlights: Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin flying in the cloud of God?s presence

Lokoja, last of the trio soul-winning and deliverance crusades, was another mind-blowing experience: from the moving crowd to the miracles, prophecies, extra-ordinary testimonies, and more.
Owomowomo, a General of the Lord’s Army, will be in your state soon to change your status from story to glory, as you continue feasting in the Word with absolute faith and expectation.

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